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17 Cours

Semestre1 SE3
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Semestre1 SE3
Preview Course
Microteaching (English)
Semestre1 SE3
Preview Course

Semestre1 SE3

Microteaching (English)

Microteaching is an intensive semestrial course designed for the 3rd year Education students (pre-service teachers)  to perk up their teaching skills and to guide their future classroom decision making. It helps them to better understand the processes of teaching and learning and provides them with the opportunity to plan, to deliver, to assess and to reflect upon their own teaching practice and that of others.

Semestre1 SE3
Preview Course

Enseignant: Yathreb GRIRAEnseignant: Safa JAAFAR


Semestre1 SE3
Preview Course

Semestre1 SE3


Semestre1 SE3
Preview Course