English for tourism
This course aims at initiating students of English to the
Question de civilisation contemporaine
Question de civilisation contemporaine
Introduction à la culture et à la civilisation anglophone
. Introduction à la culture et à la
civilisation anglophone
Introduction à la culture et à la civilisation américaine
Introduction à la culture et à la civilisation
Introduction à l’histoire de la littérature américaine
Introduction à l’histoire de la littérature
Etude d’œuvres littéraires (Roman / Théâtre / Poésie/ littérature anglophone)
. Etude d’œuvres littéraires (Roman /
Théâtre / Poésie/ littérature anglophone)
Grammar in Context
Grammar in Context is a
grammar course dedicated to 2nd year Fundamental English students.
It is designed to help them attain further grammatical knowledge than that
acquired in 1st year-grammar course. It is indeed an extension to
the latter in the sense that the student moves from the word level to the
sentence level. It will also pave the way to text grammar and Syntax in their
third year.
By the end of this course, students will be able to know how to form, to elaborate, to condense and to describe clauses and sentences using technical grammatical jargon. However, focus will be put on analyzing sentences in context and not in isolation; grammar should be viewed as "a means of understanding the relation of form to meaning and meaning to function, in context" (Downing, xvii), rather than as a set of arbitrary humorless rules.
Les concepts fondamentaux de la linguistique
Les concepts fondamentaux de la